Algonquin Split


It’s like a progression riddle.  If a martini is 4:1 gin:dry vermouth, and a Manhattan is 4:1 whiskey:sweet vermouth — an Algonquin is the next step.  It’s sweeter, and steps away from the “neat”-ness of classic martini drinks by adding juice at a 2:1:1 ratio.1461110_10201251507755146_806689432_n

This recipe takes that first juicy step away from neat, then another step beyond that.

1 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey
3/4 oz dry vermouth
3/4 oz pineapple juice
3 oz ice cold sparkling water
twist of lemon
twist of lime

Combine alcohol and juice in a shaker with crushed ice.  Strain into an 7-8oz martini glass that is half full of chilled sparkling water; then garnish with both lemon and lime twists.

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